02/02/2020 às 00:52 Festa Infantil Curitiba

Best Children's Party Buffets Curitiba - PR – List

6min de leitura

We have prepared for you Moms and Dads who are in doubt about where to make your child's Children's Party, a list with some of the best Children's Party Buffets in Curitiba-PR, separated by neighborhoods, according to our opinion.

We at Bruno Cavaliere Photography Studio, we have been in the market for 8 years and we photographed hundreds of parties in various places, we saw various decorations, forms of service, toys, personalized menus and much more. Get to know our work better and be enchanted by this universe of party dreams with children's party photography in Curitiba.

The importance of the Children's Party is very great, as it is a date that should be celebrated with great affection by the whole family, life is a gift and each passing year is a gift that we receive and we have the opportunity to thank.

The dream of the perfect party is in all of us, finding locals and professionals who provide us with this experience is something very rewarding. A quality service, children's party decoration to fill your eyes, special menus according to each need, personalized sweets and souvenirs on the theme will also be part of this special day, and the most important thing, Child Photography for your party with professionals dedicated to recording this unique moment, after all the memories will be eternal, and after the child grows up, he can relive the emotion of that long awaited day.

It is worth remembering that before closing your party it is important to personally know all the locations, to see which one best suits your needs. It is necessary to think about some points that can influence the smooth running of the event, such as parking spaces for guests, toys suitable for ages, specialized monitors, staff assistance and food.

 Check below the list with some of the Best Children's Buffets in Curitiba:

Bom Retiro

Kids World Buffet

An exquisite space for Children's Parties in Curitiba, it attends events from 50 to 250 guests, located in a prime area of Curitiba, close to Bosque do Alemão and Shopping Muller. It has toys for all ages with a great difference in food.

Address: Av. Des. Hugo Simas, 1495 - Jardim Schaffer / Bom Retiro

Phones: (41) 3030-2507 / 99273-9585

Website: www.mundokidscuritiba.com.br

* See photos taken at Buffet Mundo Kids here

Hugo Langue

Buffet 4 Kids

Modern space for personalized parties, Buffet 4 Kids has structure to attend events from 50 to 250 guests. More than 20 attractions, with toys for all ages and excellent food.

Address: R. Augusto Stresser, 1998, Hugo Lange

Phones: 41 3022-0040 / 99876-0400

Website: www.buffet4kids.com.br

* See photos taken at Buffet 4 Kids here


Buffet Ooga Booga

Located in the Bacacheri neighborhood, it is a cozy space for a Children's Party in Curitiba, holds up to 100 guests, has toys, air-conditioned lounge, exclusive decorations and parking.

Address: Av. Pref. Erasto Gaertner, 1457 - Bacacheri

Phones: (41) 3023-8922 / 98776-7528

Website: www.oogabooga.com.br

* See photos taken at Buffet Ooga Booga here

Campina do Siqueira

Buffet Play House

One of the differentials of the Buffet Play House is the party menu, with an excellent food, exquisite space with high ceilings and capacity for up to 150 guests.

Address: Rua Major Heitor Guimarães, nº 1255 - Campina do Siqueira

Phones: (41) 3542-1185 / 99788-3592

Website: www.buffetplayhouse.com.br

* See photos taken at Buffet Play House here


Minana Fest Buffet

Ample space with two ballrooms to hold your party in Curitiba, serves 80 to 150 guests, located in the Pinheirinho neighborhood, has charming and sophisticated decorations in various themes for your children's party, with exceptional service and staff prepared to serve well, parking private with security and diversity of toys.

Address: Rua Antônio Skrepec nº 1000 - Pinheirinho

Phones: (41) 3227-4145 / 98411-6658 (Sandra)

Website: www.minanafest.com.br

* See photos taken at Buffet Minana Fest here


Buffet Brigadeiro e Cia

Buffet Brigadeiro e Cia has a structure with more than 720 m², air-conditioned space, with capacity to serve up to 200 guests, in one of the noblest neighborhoods of Curitiba. Excellent service and food, with attractions and toys for children of all ages.

Address: 717 José Nicco Street | Ecoville

Phone: (41) 3206-1660 / (41) 98839.9006

Website: www.buffetbrigadeiroecia.com.br

 * See photos taken at Buffet Brigadeiro e Cia here


Unipark Buffet

Indoor amusement park in Curitiba, located in the Fanny District, with 40 toy options in an infrastructure of more than 2,000 m2, three rooms for events and full service for parties.

Address: R. Maestro Francisco Antonello, 1141 - Fanny

Phones: (41) 3060-0202 / (41) 3501-2070

 Website: www.unipark.com.br

São Lourenço / Pilarzinho

Kids Town Party Buffet

The Kids Town Buffet has a structure full of fun toys for all ages, a large lounge with a capacity for up to 120 guests, parking and special decorations.

Address: Av. Fredolin Wolf, 800 - São Lourenço / Pilarzinho

Phones: (41) 3336-1151 / 99881-0201

Website: www.kidstownfestas.com.br

 * See photos taken at the Kids Town Buffet here

Santa Felicidade

Fina Party Buffet

Buffet Fina Festas is located in the Santa Felicidade neighborhood in Curitiba, has a structure for children's parties with exclusive decorations, air-conditioned environment and toys for various ages.

Address: 88 Arthur Bindo Street - Santa Felicidade

Phone: (41) 3273-2672 / (41) 99510-3848

Website: www.buffetfinafestas.com.br

* See photos taken at Buffet Fina Festas here

Santa Felicidade

Once Upon a Time Buffet

Located in the Santa Felicidade neighborhood, it has a space dedicated to children's fun, with many toys, special decorations and a personalized menu.

Address: Avenida Manoel Ribas, 5302 - Santa Felicidade

Phones: (41) 3618-8513 / 99243-9513

Website: www.buffetinfantileraumavez.com.br

* See photographs taken at the Once Upon a Time Buffet here


Giraffe Necktie Buffet

Children's Party space located in the Cabral neighborhood, has a structure that holds up to 100 guests, exclusive decorations, personalized menus, toys and parking.

Address: R. Cel. Amazonas Marcondes, 1253 - Cabral

Phone: (41) 3618-9018

Website: www.girafadegravata.com.br

* See here photographs taken at the Girafa de Gravata Buffet


Buffet Space Kids

450m space, structure with capacity to serve up to 130 guests, toys, baby area, adults' space, ample parking and beautiful decorations.

Address: Avenida Presidente Kennedy, 1265, Rebouças

Phones: (41) 3387-7278 / 9840-1504

Website: www.espacodosbaixinhos.com

 * See photos taken at Buffet Espaço dos Baixinhos here


Star Happy Buffet

The Star Happy Buffet has a lounge with toys, parking, exclusive decorations and a special menu for great food.

Address: Rua Nicaragua 1094, Bacacheri

Phone: (41) 3501-4112

Website: www.buffetstarhappy.com.br

* See photos taken at Buffet Star Happy here


Jump Space Buffet

550m wide space, toys for various ages, special menus, decorations in various themes and complete packages.

Address: Rua Maria Gabardo Mendes, 278 - Gate

Phones: (41) 3153-2222 / 9972-2412

Website: www.espacojump.com.br

* See photos taken at Buffet Espaço Jump here


Buffet Carousel Fest

Children's Buffet in Curitiba, located in the Uberaba neighborhood, with air-conditioned environment, personalized menus and fun attractions for adults and children.

Address: Rua Julio Wischral, 47 - Uberaba

Phones: 41 33769251/41 999253534

Website: www.carrosselfest.com.br

* See photos taken at Buffet Carrossel Fest here

Santa Felicidade

Lolly Kids Buffet

Lolly Kids offers a space with 900m² of total area and a great space for decoration, it has a personalized menu with delicious food and a healthy menu option.

They have their own ample parking, nursery, children's cafeteria, air-conditioned rooms, big screen, surround sound, cable TV, WI-FI, internal TV circuit and many toys for children.

Address: Av. Manoel Ribas, 2132 - Santa Felicidade

Phone: (41) 3335-3333 / (41) 99249-6660

 Website: www.lollykidsbuffet.com.br


Casa X – Curitiba

Space for events with the theme of Xuxa, has toys for children and adults and several attractions.

Address: Av N. Sra. Aparecida, 1686 - Seminário

Phones: (41) 3269-1778 / 98870-0429

Website: www.casax.com/curitiba

Santa Felicidade

Fun Jungle Buffet

It has a complete structure for children's events with fantastic toys, several options for decorations and food.

Address: R. Maria Alpalice Zaramella Grandez, Nº 54, Santa Felicidade

Phone: (41) 3273-3950 / (41) 99725-0009

Website: www.funjungle.com.br

These are some of the best Children's Party Buffets in Curitiba that we have ever visited, comment below which one was the best for you and leave your contribution here too. If you are still unsure, contact us and we can help you with this choice. Enjoy and check out our website, we work with PHOTOGRAPHY AND FILMING, and special products to make your day unique and eternal with great care and love!

And look, for the FIRST 5 MOMS that get in touch with us to cover their children's party and say that they saw this post, we will give a special mega GIFT at the end of the contract! We wait for you!!

Comment with your whatsapp below that I will contact you to explain better !!

or if you prefer, send us an email by clicking HERE.

Check here several children's parties that we have: Photo Gallery of Children's Parties

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(41) 99723-8437 / 99680-8298

Until the next post!

02 Fev 2020

Best Children's Party Buffets Curitiba - PR – List

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best children's party buffets curitiba buffet infantil curitiba children's party buffet

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